Replace a Shipping Carrier within ShipperHQ

From time to time, ShipperHQ merchants may want to change the carriers used within their account. A list of available carriers and logistics providers can be found in the ShipperHQ Marketplace.

This document will outline the step-by-step process of replacing a shipping carrier within ShipperHQ. It also includes the areas that need to be checked and updated when replacing a carrier.

Deleting vs. Disabling

If the carrier replacement is only temporary, there is no need to delete it from your account.

If, however, you wish to permanently delete the carrier, follow the steps outlined here to ensure it is properly unassigned.

If you do not intend to delete the carrier entirely, simply disable it in the carrier list and proceed with updating any configuration as needed. This will prevent the carrier from being considered until it is re-enabled.

Areas to Update

There are a number of areas where you are able to link Carriers and their associated Shipping Methods to other objects within ShipperHQ. Whether you’re adding a new carrier and just temporarily disabling an existing carrier or entirely replacing an existing carrier, you’ll need to double check the following areas to ensure all connections are updated.

Basic Configuration

  • Origins can have Carriers assigned to them. These can be updated under the Basic tab when editing an Origin.
  • Shipping Rules are applied to specific Shipping Methods under Carriers. These can be updated in the “Shipping Methods to be affected” field under the Basic Setup tab.
  • Shipping Groups can be restricted to only use certain Shipping Methods under Carriers. These can be updated in the “Shipping Methods Assigned” field under the Optional tab.

Advanced Feature Configuration

Certain Advanced Features enable items or settings that can linked to certain Shipping Methods or Carriers. When replacing a carrier, you’ll need to check these areas for each of the Advanced Features you’re currently using.

Dimensional Packing

Dimensional Packing can be set to apply to certain Carriers. This can be updated under the Dimensional Packing Advanced Feature in the Settings tab. Additionally, with Dimensional Packing enabled, the following items can be associated with Carriers:

  • Boxes can be assigned to be available for specific Carriers. This can be updated under the Advanced tab in the “Carriers this box applies to” field under the Advanced tab.
  • Packing Rules can be assigned to apply to specific Carriers. This can be updated under the Optional tab in the “Carriers this packing rule applies to” field.

Multi-Origin Shipping

The Multi-Origin Shipping Advanced Feature enables the ability to set up Method Merging Rules which associate certain Shipping Methods from Carriers together. It also supports assigning specific Carriers to certain Origins.

  • Origins can have Carriers assigned to them. These can be updated under the Basic tab when editing an Origin.
  • Method Merging Rules are associated to specific Shipping Methods under Carriers. These can be updated under the “Shipping Methods to Merge” field.

In-Store Pickup

The In-Store Pickup Advanced Feature enables setting up Pickup Locations which be associated with certain In-Store Pickup carriers.

  • Pickup Locations can be associated with specific In-Store Pickup carriers. If replacing an In-Store Pickup carrier, you’ll need to update the “Assigned In-Store Pickup Carriers” field under the Basic tab on your Pickup Locations.

Address Validation

Address Validation can be configured to rely on a certain carrier as a validation provider. When replacing that carrier, you’ll need to update the “Validation Provider” field under the Settings tab of the Address Validation Advanced Feature.

Rate Shopping & Custom Method Names

The Rate Shopping & Custom Method Names Advanced Feature enables certain items which can be associated to Method Names under Carriers.

  • Method Merging Rules used to set up Rate Shopping and are associated to specific Shipping Methods under Carriers. These can be updated under the “Shipping Methods to Merge” field.
  • Custom Method Names are associated to a specific Shipping Method under Carriers. Custom Method Names can be deleted and replaced if removing a carrier entirely or updated by editing the “Shipping Method to be Renamed” field under the Basic tab.
  • Carrier Prioritization allows you to set Carriers which are hidden when a prioritized Carrier is returned. If enabled, these are set on each Carrier under the Optional tab in the “Hide other carriers” field of the Prioritize Carrier section.

Backup Carrier Rates

The Backup Carrier Rates Advanced Feature lets you assign certain Carriers to act as a backup for a primary Carrier in the case that primary Carrier is unavailable.

  • Backup Carrier Rates are set on each Carrier under the Option tab in the “Backup Carrier Rates” field under the Error Handling section.

Steps to Replace a Carrier in ShipperHQ

  1. Add your new carrier following the instructions in the guide for the specific carrier you’re looking to add to your ShipperHQ account.
  2. Review & Update Basic Configuration to include the new carrier. See the Basic Configuration section above for the areas to update. If deleting a carrier and replacing it with a new one, ensure you’re removing associations to the carrier you’ll be deleting.
  3. Review & Update Advanced Feature Configuration to include the new carrier. See the Advanced Feature Configuration section above for the areas to update. If deleting a carrier and replacing it with a new one, ensure you’re removing associations to the carrier you’ll be deleting.
  4. Delete or Disable Your Old Carrier now that you have your configuration updated to refer to your new Carrier, you can now delete or disable your old Carrier.
Special Note for Custom-Price Plans

If your ShipperHQ plan has been modified by our team to allow for more carriers than your plan tier includes based on an increased monthly fee, please contact ShipperHQ Support for assistance.

We’ll want to know the name of the carrier you’d like to remove and the name of the carrier you’d like to replace it with. Please also let us know if you would like to simply replace the carrier or delete it altogether.

For these specialty plans, there are some internal processes that need to be followed in order to ensure any additional add-on carriers remain available.

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