How to Delete a Carrier


This document outlines the process used to delete a carrier and carrier associations in ShipperHQ.

Steps to disable the carrier

Use the steps below to begin the carrier deletion process.

  1. Log into your ShipperHQ account.
  2. Navigate to the Manage Shipping > Carriers dashboard.
  3. Locate the carrier you want to delete.
  4. Click the Yes toggle under the Enabled column to disable the carrier.
  5. Click the Delete icon under the Action column to delete the carrier.
  6. Click OK on the Are You Sure Message? to continue.
  7. You have successfully deleted the carrier if no shipping methods or groups are tied to the carrier.
Delete option in carriers list uses a trash can icon.
If any shipping methods or groups are tied to the carrier, the following error message is displayed.

Errors can occur if the carrier being deleted is connected with shipping rules and shipping groups.

This message details all associations that require removal before deleting the carrier. Continue to the next section to continue this process.

Enable all methods

To ensure that all methods can be removed from any associations they have, the next step is to enable all methods on the carrier. Disabled methods cannot be removed from their associated parts of the system.
  1. Navigate to Carriers dashboard.
  2. Select the carrier you wish to delete.
  3. On the Basic tab, scroll down and click Add Methods.
  4. Check the box next to Select All.
  5. Click Add then Save.

Remove carrier associations

Remove carrier from Shipping Group

Follow the steps below to remove a carrier from a Shipping Group.

  1. Navigate to the Shipping Rules > Shipping Groups dashboard.
  2. Locate the shipping group(s) associated to the carrier listed in your error message in the Steps to disable a carrier section.
  3. Click the Delete icon under the Action column to delete the shipping group.
  4. Click Ok from the Are You Sure You Wish to Delete message.
  5. Repeat step 3 – 4 for every associated shipping group related to the carrier you want to delete.

Remove carrier from Shipping Rule

Follow the steps below to remove a carrier from a Shipping Rule.

  1. Navigate to the Shipping Rules > All Shipping Rules dashboard.
  2. Locate the shipping rule(s) associated to the carrier listed in your error message in the Steps to disable a carrier section.
  3. Click the Delete icon under the Action column to delete the shipping rule.
  4. Click Ok from the Are You Sure You message.
  5. Repeat steps 3 – 4 for every associated shipping rule related to the carrier you want to delete.

Remove carrier from a Method Merging Rule

Follow the steps below to remove a carrier from a Method Merging Rule.

The menus in this section are only accessible if the Multi-Origin Shipping or Rate Shopping & Custom Method Names Advanced Features are enabled. For more information about Multi-Origin Shipping, please go to the Multi-Origin Shipping guide. For more information about Rate Shopping & Custom Method Names, please go to the How to Set Up Rate Shopping guide.
  1. Navigate to the Carriers > Merging Rules dashboard.
  2. Locate the merging rule(s) associated to the carrier listed in your error message in the Steps to disable a carrier section.
  3. Click the X next to each method in the Shipping Methods To Be Merged section.
  4. Click the Save button.
If this leaves only a single carrier’s methods in the rule, then you can delete the Method Merging Rule using the delete icon under the Action column. 

Remove a carrier from a Custom Method Name

Follow the steps below to remove a carrier from a Custom Method Name.

The menus in this section are only accessible if the Multi-Origin Shipping or Rate Shopping & Custom Method Names Advanced Features are enabled. For more information about Multi-Origin Shipping, please go to the Multi-Origin Shipping guide. For more information about Rate Shopping & Custom Method Names, please go to the How to Set Up Rate Shopping guide.
  1. Navigate to the Carriers > Custom Method Names dashboard.
  2. Locate the custom method name(s) associated to the carrier listed in your error message in the Steps to disable a carrier section.
  3. Click the Delete icon under the Action column to delete the custom menthod name.
  4. Click Ok from the Are You Sure You message.

Remove carrier from a Packing Rule

Follow the steps below to remove a carrier from a Packing Rule.

The menus in this section are only accessible if the Dimensional Packing Advanced Feature is enabled. For more information about Dimensional Packing, please go to the Dimensional Packing guide.
  1. Navigate to the Boxes > Packing Rules dashboard.
  2. Select the packing rule(s) associated to the carrier listed in your error message in the Steps to disable a carrier section.
  3. Click the Optional tab.
  4. Click the X next to the carrier you are deleting in the Carriers this packing rule applies to field.
  5. Click the Save button.

Remove carrier from a Box

Follow the steps below to remove a carrier from a Box.

The menus in this section are only accessible if the Dimensional Packing Advanced Feature is enabled. For more information about Dimensional Packing, please go to the Dimensional Packing guide.
  1. Navigate to the Boxes > All Boxes dashboard.
  2. Select the box(s) associated to the carrier listed in your error message in the Steps to disable a carrier section.
  3. Click the Advanced tab.
  4. Click the X next to the carrier you are deleting in the Carriers this box applies to field.
  5. Click the Save button.

Remove carrier from Dimensional Packing settings

Follow the steps below to remove a carrier from Dimensional Packing.

This section only applies if you are using the Dimensional Packing Advanced Feature. For more information about Dimensional Packaging, please go to the Dimensional Packing guide.
  1. Navigate to the Advanced Features dashboard.
  2. Click the Gear icon under the Dimensional Packing feature.
  3. Click the X next to the carrier you are deleting.
  4. Click the Apply button.

Delete Carrier

Follow the steps below to remove a carrier after removing all associated shipping methods and rules.

  1. Navigate to the Manage Shipping > Carriers dashboard.
  2. Locate the carrier you want to delete.
  3. Click the Delete icon under the Action column to delete the carrier.
  4. Click OK on the Are You Sure Message? to continue.
  5. You have successfully deleted the carrier if no shipping methods or groups are tied to the carrier.

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