Using ShipperHQ Customer Groups with Shopify

ShipperHQ now offers support for Shopify merchants using Customer Tags.

Although this new enhancement is in BETA, the details below will outline how to setup and use Shopify Customer Tags so ShipperHQ Merchants can offer a variety of new shipping rules in association with customer types.

Common uses for customer tags or customer groups include, the ability to provide different rates, surcharges, or discounts based on customer classification within Shopify.

For example, if you sell to both B2B and B2C customers or if you have different tiers of B2B buyers, you can now add shipping rule logic within ShipperHQ to support these more advanced conditions.


  • Available for Shopify Plus merchants only.
  • Requires Shopify Checkout 2.0. (Customer Tags remain unsupported on checkout.liquid).
  • Compatible with Enhanced Checkout, as well as, standard Shopify checkout.
To have access to use Customer Tags and Customer Groups with ShipperHQ, please contact the SHQ Support Team and request that this capability is enabled for your ShipperHQ account.

How to Configure Customer Tags and Customer Groups

Steps to Enable in Shopify

You will want to first install the required Checkout Extension in Shopify.

  1. Login to Shopify and navigate to Settings.

2. Locate the Checkout option on the left navigation menu and click to access these settings.

3. Select Customize in the Checkout Customization field at the top of the page.

4. From the Information link found on the top of the page, select Shipping to access the option to enable Customer Tags with ShipperHQ.

5. Click Add App Block to enable SHQ Customer Groups.

6. From here, simply select Customer Groups Support to complete the process on the Shopify side.

Steps to Enable in ShipperHQ

  1. Login to your ShipperHQ Account by clicking Manage App.

2. Once you have been redirected to your ShipperHQ account, locate the Shipping Rules link on the left navigation menu and click to enter.

3. From here, locate the Settings link in the upper, right corner of the page. This is where you will enable the advanced rule setting to include Customer Groups as a rule condition.

4. Locate the field for Customer Groups and set this to Yes & then click Apply to complete this process.

5. Once this has been completed, you can create shipping rules using customer tags in Shopify which are mapped to customer groups within ShipperHQ.

Please see our guide for using ShipperHQ Customer Groups for details on setting up rules and editing or managing customer group settings.

Additional Notes

Initial support for preconfigured customer groups designated as “Logged in” (a registered user) and “Not logged in” (guest) groups will be available by default.

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