Offering UPS Saturday Delivery


With the Delivery Date & Time feature of ShipperHQ, you can offer UPS Saturday delivery services to your customers. While UPS doesn’t have a dedicated Saturday delivery method, they do offer a variety of options for Saturday delivery. You can see all UPS Saturday delivery options at


  1. If you haven’t already, enable the Delivery Date & Time feature
  2. Create a new UPS carrier or duplicate your existing carrier
  3. In the UPS Carrier, select the methods that you want to show for Saturday. E.g UPS 2nd Day Air/UPS Next Day air
  4. Under Date & Time Settings > Blackout Delivery Days select everything but Saturday
  5. Finally, save your Carrier

Other Options

Renaming Services
Using Custom Method Names, you can rename the UPS services you’re offering for Saturday Delivery. For example, you could rename “UPS Next Day Air” to “UPS Next Day Air Saturday Delivery.”

Shipping Calendar
On Magento and Zoey, ShipperHQ supports displaying a shipping calendar. This is often a better option for merchants looking to allow their customers to choose UPS Saturday delivery.


If the selected services are not being displayed, the Blackout Delivery Days set on your Carrier may be too restrictive. Also, make sure that there are no lead days on your Shipping Groups or Carrier that might push dispatch past Thursday or Friday.

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