Surcharge Shipping Methods for a Specific Address Type


In some cases, you may want to surcharge shipping rates to a certain address type.

An example might be applying a surcharge for shipping quotes for a residential location.

ShipperHQ’s Shipping Rule functionality provides a quick and easy way to create an address type surcharge rule. 

The steps outlined here will provide a guide for creating this type of shipping rule. 


You will need to have Address Type Based Shipping Rules enabled.

You will also need to enable the Address Type Validation advanced feature and connect a supported carrier. 


1. To create the new shipping rule, navigate to the “Shipping Rules” option in the left-hand navigation menu.

Location of All Shipping Rules under Shipping Rules menu on the dashboard.

2. Click “Add New” to create a new shipping rule.

Click New to start creating a new shipping rule.

3. Select “Surcharge Rates” for the action you would like the rule to perform.

Location to select Surcharge Rates as action for the shipping rule.

4. Select the flat rate or percentage you would like to surcharge.

In this case, we’ll simply set a flat rate of $5.00.

Setting to select how the surcharge rates should apply. For example, Flat Rate, Percentage or both.
Sample example showing applying flat rate surcharge of $5 on each shipment in the cart.

5. Be sure to specify how the surcharge should be applied.

Setting to configure how the surcharge rates will apply to each cart.

6. Choose the shipping methods to be used in this surcharge rule from a list of all available shipping methods

Example showing how to select shipping methods to which the rule will apply.

7. Click the option that says “I Don’t Have Any Conditions to Apply.”

Setting to select when not applying any conditions to the shipping rule.

8. Title the new rule and click “finish.” This will apply the rule immediately.

Example showing summary of the shipping rule before clicking on Finish to make the rule active.

9. Once “Finish” has been selected, you’ll be returned to the shipping rules list.

From here, simply scroll down to locate the new rule. Click the rule to edit it. 

10. Under the “Advanced” tab, you’ll see a section titled “Advanced Conditions – Perform Action When…

Locate the address type drop-down and select “Residential” then save. 

Location of 'Address Type is' field under Advanced tab of the shipping rule.

Once the rule has been created, we recommend using the “Test your Rates” feature to confirm the new rule is working as intended.

A suggested means to test this type of rule is to compare a known residential address compared to a known commercial address. 

Test Your Rates

Verify that your carriers and rules are working and see how they will display in your checkout right from the ShipperHQ dashboard.

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