DDI Inform


If you’re using DDI Systems Inform as your ERP, you can now use DDI’s ShipperHQ integration to provide shipping rates within your DDI dashboard. DDI’s integration with ShipperHQ supports a variety of ShipperHQ functionality including LTL Freight, Multi-Origin Shipping, Delivery Date & Time, and more.

Use this guide to connect your ShipperHQ account with DDI Inform to take full advantage of ShipperHQ’s powerful shipping rate calculation and management options.

Please be aware, the integration between ShipperHQ and DDI Systems Inform was built by the DDI Systems team. While ShipperHQ can provide support for your ShipperHQ configuration, please direct any questions about the connection between DDI Systems Inform and ShipperHQ to DDI Systems.


The DDI Inform integration of ShipperHQ requires:

  • A ShipperHQ Magento account (you do not need to have an active Magento site in order to use this integration)
  • A ShipperHQ Enterprise plan subscription
  • DDI Inform version 24 or later
  • Products must have weight set on them within DDI Inform
If you don’t yet have a DDI Inform account, please contact DDI.

Connecting DDI Inform to ShipperHQ

Connecting ShipperHQ to your DDI Inform account requires certain information from ShipperHQ and assistance from DDI to set this up within DDI Inform.

  1. Create a new Website in your ShipperHQ account
  2. Ensure the Website is connected to the Origins and Carriers you wish to use with DDI Inform
  3. Copy the API Key from the Basic tab of your new website
  4. Click “Generate New Authentication Code” on the Basic tab of your new website and copy the resulting Authentication Code
  5. Provide your DDI account rep with the API Key and Authentication Code retrieve from ShipperHQ
  6. Your DDI account rep will coordinate making the connection between DDI Inform and ShipperHQ using these credentials

Using ShipperHQ with DDI Inform

For more detailed information on using ShipperHQ with DDI Inform, see the ShipperHQ article on the DDI knowledge base.

Setting up Origins

In order to identify which Origin your products ship from to calculate accurate shipping rates, the Origin ZIP Code configured in DDI Inform must match an Origin Name configured in ShipperHQ. For example, if you ship some products from an Origin with ZIP Code of 90210, you must have an Origin named “90210” configured in ShipperHQ.

While you can configure Origins manually within ShipperHQ, if you have a number of Origins, it is best to Generate a vendor report from DDI Inform. You can then convert this export to a ShipperHQ Origin bulk import format and import your origins into ShipperHQ. Either as part of the bulk import or manually once imported you can then connect each Origin to the appropriate Website and Carriers within ShipperHQ.

Configuring Products in DDI Inform

Products in DDI Inform can be configured for ShipperHQ by setting the values available on the Product Purchasing tab. Most importantly, a weight should be provided in order for ShipperHQ to generate shipping rates.

Assigning a product to a certain Origin configured in ShipperHQ will be based on the value set on the product in the Product Master purchasing tab, the Vendor master purchasing tab, or the Vendor master ZIP Code. See DDI’s ShipperHQ knowledge base article for more information.

Retrieving ShipperHQ rates in DDI Inform

Once connected, ShipperHQ rates will be returned in the Sales Order process within DDI Inform:

  1. Create a Sales Order
  2. In the Final section, click Quote Freight
  3. ShipperHQ-generated results will be displayed. These rates will be split out by shipping origin for Sales Orders containing products shipping from multiple locations.
  4. On the Quote Freight window, select a rate for each shipment or click the “Select Lowest Rate” button to automatically select the cheapest rate for each shipment
  5. Click “Save”
  6. Finalize your Sales Order

Additional Information


DDI’s integration with ShipperHQ does not currently support some ShipperHQ functionality including Shipping Groups and Dimensional Packing. To confirm that DDI’s integration of ShipperHQ meets your needs or to request additional functionality, please contact DDI.

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