Cerasis LTL Freight


This document will outline how to connect your Cerasis account with ShipperHQ to enable real-time rates and carrier options from Cerasis on your eCommerce website.

Legacy Integration
Our legacy integration with Cerasis is only available on request. If you already have Cerasis installed on your ShipperHQ account you can continue to use it. If not, you may wish to use our integration with GlobalTranz who acquired Cerasis in 2020. Otherwise, please contact us to discuss options.


When setting up your Cerasis carrier in ShipperHQ, you’ll need certain account credentials that will allow ShipperHQ to access your live rates with Cerasis. The following steps will walk you through the directions to obtain/set-up the necessary credentials:

  • An active or test shipping account with Cerasis
  • Your Cerasis Secure ID
  • Your Shipper ID
  • Your User Key
  • Your Password

Register for a Cerasis account

To register for credentials you will need to speak to a Cerasis representative. You can fill out a form online to set up a call to go over your transportation management needs.

Adding Cerasis

Now that you have your credentials ready, use the steps below to set up Cerasis in ShipperHQ.

1. Log into your ShipperHQ account & navigate to the Advanced Features link on the left navigation menu. 

2. Click to enable the LTL Advanced Feature.

3.  Once LTL is enabled, navigate to the Carriers link on the left navigation menu.

4. Click + New to add a new carrier

5. Choose the Live Rate Carrier option

6. Use the Search Carriers option to search for Cerasis or scroll down to find Cerasis from the list of available carriers

7. Click Cerasis

Adding Cerasis requires the LTL Freight advanced feature. You are prompted with the following steps if you do not have this feature enabled during installation:

  1. Click the toggle button to enable the LTL Freight feature
  2. Click the Continue button

8. Click to continue in connecting your carrier account to ShipperHQ. 

Steps to Validate This Carrier

In order for your live rate carrier to access your live rates, you will need to enter your carrier account credentials for Cerasis and have them validated.

Validation, simply means that ShipperHQ was able to access the shipping account related to the credentials that you entered and retrieve rates.

If you choose to skip validation after adding your new carrier you will be reminded to add your credentials later.

To Validate your Carrier:

  1. Select Enter Credentials & Validate
  2. Review the information required to validate and Continue. The information listed here should be the credentials you received when you created a Cerasis account.
  3. Enter your credentials and click Validate
    Note: Successful installation depends on the accurate entry of the account information required by Cerasis. If you do not have the correct information you will not be able to validate your carrier and receive live rates.
  4. If validation is successful, you will be presented with:
    1. The option to enable your carrier right away. (Enabling your carrier at this time will turn its rates on immediately even before you have made any configuration adjustments to it.)
    2. Begin to configure. Continuing with this button will take you to the carrier’s configuration page. You can also enable the carrier from this page once you have saved your settings.
  5. If validation fails, the credentials you have already entered will still be saved so they will populate the form when you return. You can:
    1. Choose to try validation again and double-check that the information you entered is correct.
    2. Skip validation for now and complete it later. You will be reminded to complete validation later to get rates.
    3. Contact us if you are struggling to validate your carrier and you believe the credentials you are using are correct. We will be happy to help get you validated.

Show Cheapest Carrier

Location to select Show Cheapest Carrier option under Account Settings.

This carrier has an option to “Show Cheapest Carrier” under the Account Settings section of the Basic Tab. Enabling this option will cause this carrier to only display the cheapest of the rates returned for enabled methods.
When using this option, you may also wish to include this carrier’s methods in a Merge Rule. To do this, you can go to edit the Cerasis Carrier, and add enable the “LTL” method on the list of Shipping Methods. Then you can go to edit/create the Merge Rule and incude this “LTL” method on the list of merged methods, which will allow the merge to happen.

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