Admin Shipping Custom Carrier


This is a guide on how to set up the Admin Shipping carrier in ShipperHQ, which will enable a merchant to apply a custom shipping rate when placing an order from the admin panel.

This feature is currently available for Magento platform only. The merchant will enter the custom shipping price and shipping method name when placing an order from the admin panel. Once the order is placed, the method name and shipping charges appear in the order summary on order emails and order view screen.


Magento 1

To setup the admin shipping carrier, in your Magento 1 admin panel:

  1. Enable the setting under System > Configuration > Shipping Methods > ShipperHQ > Custom Shipping Rates in Admin. Then save the configuration.

AdminShippingConfiguration for Magento1.

Magento 2

To setup the admin shipping carrier, in your Magento 2 admin panel login:

  1. In Magento version 2: Enable the setting under Stores > Configuration > Sales > Shipping Methods > ShipperHQ > Custom Shipping Rates in Admin. Then save the configuration.

AdminShippingConfiguration for Magento2.

Placing Orders in Admin Panel

  1. When placing an order via the admin panel, you will now see a Custom Shipping optionAdminShipping1
  2. Enter the shipping method name in the Description field and enter a price
  3. For Magento 1: click either Save Shipping Details to update the order summary before placing the order, or Submit Order button to submit.
  4. For Magento 2: click the Add Custom Shipping button  – you must click this button before you submit the order in Magento 2. New_Order___Orders___Operations___Sales___Magento_Admin
  5. Once the order is placed, the shipping method and price is shown on the order

Restricting a carrier or method to only show in the Admin Section

You can have a live or custom carrier set up in ShipperHQ that will not show for customers in checkout, but you will be able to get rate estimates for this carrier from the backend when editing an order. To accomplish this, you can use Customer Groups:

1. Once you’ve got the carrier set up, make a new Customer Group in ShipperHQ.
2. Make a new Shipping Rule which will hide this carrier (or specific methods) for all Customer Groups except the new one.

With this done, customers in checkout will never see this carrier, but when you are editing the order you can select the group to use for requesting rates, as shown in this image:
Restricting a carrier or method to only show in the Admin Section by using Customer Groups.

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