Not Seeing Negotiated/Account Rates from UPS


At certain times with some UPS accounts setup with ShipperHQ, you notice that the rates being returned aren’t the negotiated rates you initially agreed upon with UPS when you setup your account.

Please ensure that you have set the UPS rate type to negotiated rates in your carrier.

In order for us to troubleshoot the issue, we need you to provide us with the  transaction ID  from your order or test. Once we get the transaction ID, we access the carrier log and start reviewing the issue.

Important Update:

UPS has updated their APIs to use a new security protocol, OAuth 2.0.

If you connected your UPS account to ShipperHQ before September 2024, you’ll need to re-authorize the connection to UPS to continue to receive negotiated UPS rates and services via ShipperHQ. This process only takes a few minutes to complete.

UPS will be retiring the old authentication services soon. After that date, you will no longer be able to return negotiated UPS rates until you re-authorize your UPS account in ShipperHQ. Contact us with any questions or if you need assistance with this update.

Steps to update your credentials

Error: Not Qualified to Receive Negotiated Rates

In some cases, you may get the following error message: “User ID and Shipper Number combination is not qualified to receive negotiated rates”.

If this is the error, it means the reason why negotiated rates aren’t returning is because your UPS account isn’t authenticated with UPS.


To authenticate your UPS account with the Carrier – follow the steps below:

  1. Log into with your API User ID and password.
  2. Click on the name on the top right hand side of the screen.
  3. Select Payment Options.
  4. The account number should be listed on this screen with an edit button on the right side of it.
  5. Click Edit and you should be prompted to authenticate the account by providing the most recent invoice information for the account.

Once your account is validated you will start seeing the negotiated rates.

Your UPS account manager can also assist here.


After your account has been updated you can test to ensure that negotiated rates are returning successfully via the Test Your Rates section, which includes details of the dimensions (if enabled), any applicable shipping rules and the origin that was chosen.

Please note that if you have previously used the Test Your Rates section you may need to change the request to avoid seeing cached shipping rates.

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