How to Append Packing Weight onto Base Weight


You may wish to rate off of the total weight (base weight  +  weight of packing materials) of an order at checkout. In order to do so, you’ll need to append packing weight onto the base weight of a product.

Example Use Case

For example, you are using Custom Table Rates with the following rates:
Shipments of 0-0.5lbs are rated at $4.95
Shipments of 0.5-0.75lbs are rated at $5.95

The product in an order weighs 0.4lbs and the box for that product has a packing weight of 0.2lbs. This setting will enable ShipperHQ to combine these weights of 0.6lbs.

ShipperHQ will then match on your second row rate for 0.5-0.75lbs and provide the $5.95 rate. This also works for live rate carriers (e.g. UPS, FedEx, USPS etc). The total weight of items in the box plus packing materials will be included in the request to the carrier to calculate shipping rates, in this example a weight of 0.6lbs would be sent to the carrier.

**Please note; this does not work on weight filters configuration. This must be enabled on Dimensional Shipping**



This will walk you through how to enable the Append Packing Weight onto Base Weight feature.

You’ll want to go to ShipperHQ > Advanced Features > Dimensional Packing > Settings > Advanced > Switch Append Packing Weight onto Base Weight to ‘Yes’ > Apply

To add packing weights to your boxes visit your individual box Advanced settings.


ShipperHQ will now take the box weight into account when looking at the weight parameters on a Custom Table Rate.

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