Set Max Time in Transit for Perishable Goods


The following steps outline how to ship perishable goods via ground shipping, but only if they can be delivered within one day. For example, if a customer orders a perishable item (like Frozen Foods) and needs to reach its destination within 1 day.


While this example uses UPS, the same process can be applied to other live rate carriers, such as FedEx or USPS.


This document assumes you already have:

  1. A UPS carrier installed and validated
  2. The Delivery Date & Time Advanced Feature enabled
  3. “Show Time in Transit” or “Show Delivery Date” enabled on the UPS carrier under Calendar panel
  4. Set the blackout days/dates on both origin and carrier
  5. Created a shipping group for your perishable goods (i.e. PERISHABLE)


  1. Go to Shipping Groups > edit your Perishable group
  2. In the Advanced panel, set the Max Transit Time to 1 day
  3. Save the Shipping Group

Be sure to assign appropriate products to your PERISHABLE shipping group so that ShipperHQ knows when the Max Transit Time should apply.


Now when you have perishables in the cart, it will only show ground if the goods can be dispatched to the destination and arrive within 1 day. You may optionally change the rates provided by UPS with a shipping rule.

Test Your Rates

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