If you are a customer in search of tracking information, tracking number, or order details, please contact the online store where you purchased your items for further assistance. ShipperHQ is not a carrier and does not provide tracking services directly to customers. Instead, we provide shipping tools to eCommerce retailers.
ShipperHQ is a shipping rates software used with eCommerce websites to automate the display of shipping rates and options when checking out, however, ShipperHQ does not ship products or track shipments.
For Merchants Using ShipperHQ
Sometimes shipping rates from ShipperHQ are displayed as though ShipperHQ is a carrier and the organization that is shipping products to your customers which is misleading.
This can result in customers contacting ShipperHQ to locate tracking IDs, shipment status updates, and requests to change shipping options.
To ensure customers are shown the actual carrier and shipping methods being used, please ensure the settings within your eCommerce platform do not display “ShipperHQ” as the shipping provider.
Merchants using Zoey
For Zoey merchants using ShipperHQ, you will want to ensure the Main Shipping Carrier Name does not show up at checkout as ShipperHQ.
“Shipping Rates” is a better name for this field and will reduce confusion from customers who may be unsure of how their order is being shipped.

Merchants using Magento/Adobe Commerce
For Magento 2/Adobe Commerce merchants, we offer the free ShipperHQ Tracker extension which can be used to generate automatic tracking links for a variety of carriers for inclusion on order status pages and emails.
Additional Resources
Please see the installation guides below for more details on how to configure settings for ShipperHQ.
- Shopify
- BigCommerce
- Magento 2/Adobe Commerce
- SalesForce B2C Commerce Cloud
- WooCommerce
- Zoey
- Magento 1