ShipperHQ Address Auto-Complete for Magento 2


ShipperHQ uses the Google Places API to offer address suggestions and auto-complete the address form in the customer account and checkout for Magento 2.

It’s easy to configure and use and does not require a ShipperHQ subscription.

Configure ShipperHQ Address Auto-Complete

  1. Once installed, go to Stores > Configuration > Sales > Shipping Settings
  2. Open ShipperHQ Address Autocomplete tab and enable the extension
  3. Enter your Google API key  – if you do not have a key, please register and ensure you have enabled the correct API services on your Google account
  4. Save the configuration
  5. Refresh the cache in Magento from System > Cache ManagementConfiguration

ShipperHQ Address Auto-Complete Features

  1. Customer is offered address suggestions as they type their address in both the customer account area and the checkout
  2. Location services will automatically detect the customers location to provide nearby addresses by default
  3. Customer chooses a suggested address and the address is populated into the form automatically

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