Installing the ShipperHQ Magento 2 Enhanced Checkout


Please follow these steps to install the ShipperHQ enhanced checkout. You should not install the standard ShipperHQ module for Magento 2. These installation instructions provide comprehensive installation guidance. If you do not follow these steps as indicated you may well see issues with your install, which may take some time to resolve. So please follow each step carefully and if the install fails re-check the steps.


  • Compatible with Magento 2/Adobe Commerce native checkout.
    • Unlike the standard ShipperHQ extension which does not modify checkout, the Enhanced Checkout module is likely to be incompatible with third-party checkouts. Please contact the developer of your checkout if you require customized compatibility
  • Only available on the ShipperHQ Enterprise plan. Please connect with a shipping expert if you’re not on the ShipperHQ Enterprise plan yet:
  • Requires Magento 2/Adobe Commerce version 2.3.4 or higher.


You will need to request access to this satis repository by emailing and include your ShipperHQ login email address before attempting to access them using the steps below.

We assume you understand Magento 2, and have it installed correctly. Also make sure your [Magento Root Directory]/vendor/ directory is writable or you will get a message stating module-shipper or module-logger “does not exist and could not be created.”

It is highly recommended to backup your server files and database before installing this module. No responsibility can be taken for any adverse effects it may cause. It is also recommended you install on a test server initially to carry out your own testing.

Main Installation Processes

If you have previously installed the standard ShipperHQ extension, please uninstall those modules before proceeding.

Edit composer.json

You will need to add the packages.shipperhq repository to your composer.json file

"repositories": [
		"type": "composer",
		"url": ""
		"type": "composer",
		"url": ""

Clean Install

  1. Enable Maintenance mode (php bin/magento maintenance:enable) **
  2. Run the following commands from your root Magento installation directory:
  3. composer require shipperhq/module-shq-client
  4. composer require shipperhq/module-orderview
  5. php bin/magento module:enable --clear-static-content ShipperHQ_Logger ShipperHQ_Client ShipperHQ_Server ShipperHQ_Orderview
  6. php bin/magento cache:flush
  7. php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  8. php bin/magento setup:di:compile **
  9. php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy **
  10. Disable Maintenance mode (php bin/magento maintenance:disable) **
  11. Now that you have ShipperHQ installed you can begin configuring your extension.

** These steps are optional if your site is in developer mode

Updating Existing Installation

  1. Enable Maintenance mode (php bin/magento maintenance:enable) **
  2. To update to the latest release of the current major version, continue to step 3
    Other Options: To update to a specific version or a higher major version of ShipperHQ run the following before continuing:

    • To upgrade to a specific version: run composer require shipperhq/module-shq-client:1.0.0 --update-with-dependencies where “1.0.0” is the version you want to install
    • To upgrade to the next major version: run composer require shipperhq/module-shq-client: ^2.0 --update-with-dependencies where “2.0” is the major version you want to install
  3. Run the following commands from your root Magento installation directory
    1. composer update shipperhq/*
    2. php bin/magento cache:flush
    3. php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  4. Remove generated file content by deleting contents of:
    • var/view_preprocessed
    • pub/static/frontend/
    • pub/static/adminhtml/
    • pub/static/_requirejs/
    • var/generation
  5. From your root Magento installation directory run php bin/magento setup:di:compile **
  6. Deploy static content php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy **
  7. Disable Maintenance mode (php bin/magento maintenance:disable) **
  8. This would also be a good time to Synchronize your Magento 2 site with ShipperHQ

** These steps are optional if your site is in developer mode

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