Aramex Australia


This document will outline how to setup Aramex Australia (formerly Fastway Couriers) in ShipperHQ. You will need certain credentials that will allow ShipperHQ to connect to the Aramex servers and obtain a rate quote. This article covers gathering the info you need, installing the carrier, and info on how to best manage your connection between ShipperHQ and Aramex.


Follow these directions to obtain:

  • A registered account with Aramex Couriers that can be set up by signing up here
  • A Client ID and Secret

Register for Aramex Carrier Credentials

  • The first step is to create an account using this link above or login to your existing account.
  • Navigate to Administration > API Keys > Create Key.
  • The Client ID and Secret will be shown on the screen and that is what you will need to validate your Aramex account on ShipperHQ.

Steps To Add This Carriers

  1. Go to the Carriers page in the ShipperHQ dashboard
  2. Click + New to add a new carrier
  3. Select Live Rate Carrier
  4. Search for and select Aramex couriers
  5. Name this carrier (this name will be the name your customers see in the Checkout.)
  6. Success! This carrier has now been added to your list of carriers in ShipperHQ.
  7. You may now proceed to Validate your Aramex carrier (instructions are in the following section), or you can skip this step and choose to validate your carrier at another time. If you choose to skip validation you can begin to configure your carrier’s settings right away.

Steps to Validate This Carrier

In order for your live rate carrier to access your live rates, you will need to enter your carrier account credentials for the carrier and have them validated.

Validation, simply means that ShipperHQ was able to access the shipping account related to the credentials that you entered and retrieve rates.

If you choose to skip validation after adding your new carrier you will be reminded to add your credentials later.

  1. To validate, select Enter Credentials & Validate
  2. Enter the required Aramex account and API credentials.
  3. Click Continue when complete.
  4. If validation is successful, you will be presented with:
    1. The option to enable your carrier right away. (Enabling your carrier at this time will turn its rates on immediately even before you have made any configuration adjustments to it.)
    2. Begin to configure. Continuing with this button will take you to the carrier’s configuration page. You can also enable the carrier from this page once you have saved your settings.
      Change this setting from disabled to enabled to finish installing Aramex Australia in ShipperHQ. Select configure carrier to add more settings if needed
  5. Alternatively, if validation fails, see our troubleshooting section below for help. Also, remember, you can skip your validation for now and continue to configure your carrier. The credentials that you have already entered will be saved and you will be reminded later to validate your carrier.


Your carrier can be installed and configured, but not validated. Successful validation depends on the accurate entry of the account information required by each carrier. If you do not have the correct information you will not be able to validate your carrier and receive live rates.

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