When requesting shipping rates, you see unexpected messages on your cart or checkout pages.
This article lists these common diagnostic/debug error messages so that you can recognize them as such, and provides instructions for turning these messages off.
Some Examples:
- Invalid Origin Country. The origin country is invalid.
- Invalid Origin State. The origin state cannot be found.
- Invalid Destination Country. The destination country cannot be found.
- Invalid Destination State. The destination state cannot be found.
- Disallowed Destination Country. The destination country is not allowed by this carrier.
- Carrier requires Country and/or State, one of which is missing.
- Carrier requires City, which is missing.
- Carrier requires zipcode, which is missing.
- No shipping methods found for carrier. The system could not find a shipping method for the carrier.
- Carrier Connection Error. Could not connect to carrier service for rates. Their system is possibly down.
- Max Weight Exceeded for Carrier. The maximum configured weight for this carrier has been exceeded. Change in carrier dashboard if wanting to increase.
- No Pickup Locations Found. Could not find any pickup locations for this carrier.
- Google API Key not present. Please set Google API Key in Global Settings on ShipperHQ Dashboard.
- Disallowed Destination Country. The destination country is not allowed by this carrier.
- Shipping is prevented by a user defined rule. The merchant has used Carrier Rule to prevent shipping.
- Missing rates for carrier groups. Unable to find rates for all of the carrier groups.
- No Valid Dates found for Carrier.
- No Valid Rates found for Carrier.
- No carriers have been setup for this origin.
- No merged rates. Please review your carrier mappings.
- This account does not permit address validation.
- Address validation is not enabled.
- Max Packages Exceeded for Carrier. The maximum number of packages for this carrier has been exceeded.
- Could not find carrier you requested.
How to Disable
Magento 1
To disable this in Magento 1 navigate to System -> Configuration -> WebShopApps Logger (under “Advanced”) and set “Show Debug Messages on Front End” to “No”.
Magento 2
To disable this in Magento 2 navigate to Stores -> Configuration -> Sales -> Shipping Methods -> ShipperHQ and set “Debug” to “No”.
Next, navigate to Stores -> Configuration -> ShipperHQ Logger and set “Show Debug Messages on Front End” to “No”.
- If you have followed the steps in “How to Disable” and are still seeing these messages on your checkout, check the configuration settings “Show Debug Messages on Front End” is set to “No” for each of your website and store views
- For help actually troubleshooting the issues these errors describe, please contact the support team for assistance.