How to Hide Carrier Logos in Magento


This doucment outlines the process to hide the carrier’s logo when the rate is displayed on the checekout page.

Steps to Hide Carrier Logos in Magento

Use the steps below to the hide carrier logos from the checkout page:

  1. Log into your Magento account.
  2. Navigate to Stores > Configuration > Sales > Shipping Methods > ShipperHQ > Advanced Settings.
  3. Select the Yes option from the Hide Carrier Logos dropdown menu.
  4. Click the Save Config button.
  5. Navigate to System > Tools > Cache Management.
  6. Select the Configuration and Page Cache Types checkboxes.
  7. Click the Submit button.
  8. This now hides the carrier’s logo from displaying on the checkout page.

Setting to configure as Yes to hide carrier logos in Magento.

Before and After Examples

This is an example of the default checkout page:

Shipping Methods shown with carrier logo.

This is an example of the checkout page after turning on the HIde Carriers Logos setting:

Shipping Methods shown without carrier logo.

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