Adjust Internal Carrier and Shipping Method Code


Say you want to adjust the Internal Carrier and Shipping Method code. You might be doing this to control the method code can be fed back into another system for further processing, or just renaming for simplicity.


Change Internal Carrier Code

If you want to change the internal code for the whole carrier:

  1. Go into ShipperHQ > Carriers
  2. Edit the Carrier that you’re wanting to change the expected Internal codes on
  3. Click the Advanced panel and locate the ‘Internal Carrier Code’ field
  4. Adjust the ‘Internal Carrier Code’ as needed.

Location of Internal Carrier Code under Advanced panel of the carrier.

Change Internal Method Code

To change the internal Method Name Code, you will first need to enable the Rate Shopping & Custom Method Names advanced feature (Features > enable ‘Rate Shopping & Custom Method Names’).

  1. When ‘Rate Shopping & Custom Method Names’ feature is enabled, you will see Method Naming present in your lefthand navigation under Carriers
  2. Click on Custom Method Names and press Add New
  3. In the Basic panel, choose the Shipping Method to be Renamed* you want to update
  4. Enter your desired method code in the ‘New Shipping Method Code’ field.
    Location to enter New Shipping Method Code under Basic tab while creating a custom method name.
  5. You also have the option to set a New Shipping Method Name. If this is the case, enter the new method name in that field. If you want the same method name to show as what’s usually set up, you can enter an identical name to what exists already.
  6. Save the Method Name Mapping


Once this is done, you will then have renamed your internal codes to the names you’d like.

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