Standard Checkout vs Calendar & Pickup on BigCommerce


ShipperHQ now supports two different types of checkout experiences for BigCommerce: standard checkout and Calendar & Pickup.

Calendar & Pickup is currently in Beta and only available to ShipperHQ Enterprise customers.

Standard Checkout

Standard Checkout is the standard ShipperHQ experience, where customized rates and options are displayed at checkout within the native BigCommerce user interface.

Calendar & Pickup

Calendar & Pickup gives merchants the ability to offer granular control for shoppers at checkout by implementing a calendar with date & time slot selectors for pickup and delivery, and offer in-store pickup options with map and store info.

This shipping selection experience is presented withinin a new and intuitive interface.

Additionally, with Calendar & Pickup, Shipping Insights now appears within orders in the BigCommerce Dashboard. With Shipping Insights you gain access to rich shipping data in the admin panel. You will be able to see exactly what the user selected for each shipment and obtain carrier, method, packing, and dispatch & delivery data all in one place.

FeatureStandard CheckoutCalendar & Pickup
Calendar SelectorNot SupportedSupported
Time Slot SelectorNot SupportedSupported
In-Store Pickup Map and Location SelectorNot SupportedSupported
Customized shipping method sort orderNot SupportedSupported

Note: split-shipping, LTL accessorials, address type selector and custom carrier fields are not currently supported.

Checkout Experience

With Calendar & Pickup on BigCommerce, the shipping method selection experience has been modified to an intuitive interface with cart items displayed alongside the shipping options. Delivery and store pickup options have been split into two tabs for easy navigation. Calendar, timeslots, and store pickup map can be easily added to supported carriers/pickup locations.

Sample showing difference between standard checkout and Calendar & Pickup checkout on BigCommerce.
Left: Standard Checkout on BigCommerce. Right Calendar & Pickup on BigCommerce

View your Orders

With Standard Checkout

Standard checkout provides some details about the shipment such as the shipping address, the selected method, and the shipping price.

Order view with Standard checkout.

With Calendar & Pickup

With Calendar & Pickup, you can access Shipping Insights. you will be able to see exactly what the user selected and obtain carrier, method, packing, and dispatch & delivery data all in one place.

Sample of Shipping Insights with Calendar & Pickup checkout.

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