Installing the Magento 2 WebShopApps MatrixRates Extension


Please follow these steps to install your extension. These installation instructions provide comprehensive installation guidance. If you do not follow these steps as indicated you may well see issues with your install, which may take some time to resolve. So please follow each step carefully and if the install fails re-check the steps.


We assume you understand Magento 2, and have it installed correctly.

It is highly recommended to backup your server files and database before installing this module. No responsibility can be taken for any adverse effects it may cause. It is also recommended you install on a test server initially to carry out your own testing.

Installation Process

Clean Install

  1. Run the following commands from your root Magento installation directory:
    composer require webshopapps/module-matrixrate
    composer update
    php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  2. Flush & Re-enable the cache if required
  3. Remove generated file content by deleting contents of:

Updating Existing Installation

Run from your root Magento directory.

  1. Update the extension:
    composer update
    bin/magento setup:upgrade
  2. Flush the cache
  3. Remove generated file content by deleting contents of:

Manual Installation

Please note that we recommend the use of Composer (as above), per Magento 2 standards.
  1. Download the latest release:
  2. Extract the archive you’ve just downloaded, within it you will find a folder called “ZIP” with a .zip archive.
    ├── LICENSE.txt
    ├── LICENSE_AFL.txt
    ├── Test
    │   └── Unit
    ├── ZIP
    │   └── Matrixrates <-- This file
    ├── composer.json
    └── src
        ├── (etc...)
  3. Extract the contents of the .zip archive to the root of your Magento directory. This will merge into the app directory. This is a raw install so any test files/directories must be removed if present.
  4. Enable the modules using: php bin/magento module:enable WebShopApps_MatrixRate
  5. Update Magento with: php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  6. Clear cache and re-compile

Post-Installation Steps

Once installed, you can continue to configure the MatrixRate Magento extension.

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