How to Display All Carriers in a Single List


By default, ShipperHQ separates Shipping Methods or services by Carrier in the cart/checkout. However, you may wish to show all of your carriers together in a single list under a generic heading like “Shipping Options.” ShipperHQ supports this functionality for Adobe, Magento and Zoey. Shopify Plus users should note that Shopify Scripts can be created to customize and manage the display order of rates at checkout.

This document explains where to enable or adjust the Generic Carrier settings.


  1. In the ShipperHQ Dashboard, go to Carriers > Carriers Settings. The Settings button is on the top right-hand side of the Carriers page.
    Link to advanced carrier settings
  2. Under the Display Conditions tab, set the dropdown for Display Rates under Generic Carrier to “Yes.”
  3. Enter the header you want to use for your list in the Generic Carrier Title field. This will show as the new Carrier Title in the checkout.
  4. Choose whether to show or hide the actual carrier used for delivery using setting Use Generic Carrier in Order View. If you choose No, the Carrier Title will be shown. For example, if your list of rates includes both Fedex and UPS rates, once the order is placed the shipping method will be “UPS – Ground”
  5. Choose whether to use the default ordering (which will order by price within each carrier) or order all options by price with the Sort Shipping Methods based on Price option.

Advanced carrier settings list of options

By enabling this feature you will not be able to show:

  • Pickup Locations for this Carrier.
  • Calendar or Timeslots for this Carrier.
  • Freight Accessorial options for this Carrier.
Test Your Rates

Verify that your carriers and rules are working and see how they will display in your checkout right from the ShipperHQ dashboard.

Learn More

Magento users might find How to Customize Shipping Method Display helpful.

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