ShipperHQ’s shipping rules functionality provides serval options to build shipping rules based on specific criteria.
These include:
Zones | Shipping Filters | Shipping Groups | Customer Groups | Address Type | Origins | Boxes
By default, each ShipperHQ account will have Zones, Filters, and Shipping Groups enabled. The other options must be selected from the Advanced Rule Settings page.
This article will provide details on how to enable or disable these options for creating shipping rules.
How to Enable Advanced Rule Conditions
1. Locate the Shipping Rules section of the ShipperHQ Dashboard & click to enter the main shipping rules page.

2. Click the Settings link in the top, right corner of the page.

A new modal will be opened showing which criteria are enabled and which ones are not. Simply toggle the option(s) you’d like to use in your rules to “Yes” to add these options as conditions for your shipping rules.

Once you have enabled each option you’d like to use, click Apply. Now you will see additional options available when creating shipping rules under the Advanced tab.
Common Uses for Advanced Shipping Rule Conditions
Customer Groups
Customer Groups are, perhaps, the most commonly used advanced condition. By adding this option to your shipping rules, you can present various shipping options based on a customer’s login and permissions already established on the eCommerce platform.
Read more about shipping rules based on customer groups here.
Address Type
Address type rules are an easy to configure option for situations where discounts, surcharges or hide rules are needed based on the customer’s delivery address. Please be sure to read more about Address Type rules and how to use them.
Origin Based Rules
Origin based rules can be configured to apply specific conditions for rates shown at checkout, such as, applying a surcharge or discount based on designated origins.
For more details on setting up Origin-based shipping rules, see this guide.
Box Based Rules
Much like the other advanced rule conditions listed above, box-based rules are a popular method to add surcharges, discounts, flat rates, or even hide rules that will be applied whenever a designated box, or boxes, are in the cart. For more details on this rule type and how to configure it, please see this step by step guide.
Additional Resources
Please be sure to visit our library of articles for more shipping rule options to tailor your shipping strategy with ShipperHQ.