Minimum/Maximum Order Value Conditions for Shipping Rules


In some cases, you may want to set a minimum or maximum order value to charge for shipping. You can handle this requirement with Shipping Rules. Below will tell you how to enable the ability to set a Minimum or Maximum price in a Shipping Rule.


To enable these Conditions for rules:

  1. Go to Shipping Rules and click the “Shipping Rule Settings” link in the top-right of the page
  2. In the popup, go to Apply Actions tab
  3. Change the dropdowns for “Minimum Price” and “Maximum Price” to ‘Yes’


  4. Click Apply

Other Options

This capability can be combined with any other Conditions on your shipping rule to make this apply in the specific scenario you need it to apply. Additionally, with other Actions, you can discount, override, or hide certain shipping options on specific days.

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